
I’d like to expand upon my identity, which offers context for my experiences. I cannot stress how important it is to know people who overlap in your inter-sectional identities, to find people who may have approached situations similarly and came out the other side. All these identity groups carry privilege or may have caused obstacles in your career. The categorizations on the right are a convenient formal breakdown.

Of these identities, there are categories where I face obstacles and many of those in which I am privileged. Some identities that have caused difficulty in navigating society include being a woman, Chinese, and poor while growing up. Regarding gender discrimination in our society, I have a seven page report of all the professional gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault I’ve experienced in my life thus far.

By participating in the Intergroup Dialogue Project, we were challenged to write a monologue about a single identity in which we’ve experienced privilege for which I wrote about my education. I grew up with an extremely educated mother and father, teachers as grandparents. Mothers who have an education are likely to have daughters that get educated. I was tutored as a child. My education was always of top quality and accessible. Compare that to my partner who is a first generation student, who didn’t know the process of applying to higher education and had to dumpster dive during his education because he was supporting himself. My bank account was always supplied because my parents treasured education so much, they provided me with the financial support. Although it’s easy to get stuck in the ways in which I am treated differently for being a woman, I do not have to worry about the accessibility of meeting rooms because of my physical capability or discrimination due to sexual orientation or ageism.

I am passionate about feminism and in being an active ally to others in minority identities.

Gender Identity : Woman

Gender Status : Cisgender

Ethnicity : Chinese

Race : Asian

Religion : Agnostic

Socioeconomic Status : Lower to Upper Middle

Nationality : American

Language : English

Marital/Relationship Status : Domestic Partnership

Parent or Childless : Childless

Age : Young Adult

Disability/Ability : Person without disabilities

Sexual Orientation : Heterosexual

Education : Doctorate

Career : Professor

Body Size/Type : Lean / Petite