Artemis CubeSat Kit and Curriculum
Presentation of the Artemis CubeSat Kit and Curriculum presented at the 2022 SmallSat Conference
If you’re interested in procuring a kit, you can visit out website and contact our shoot-off company Mahina Aerospace LLC at info(at)
Glamour shot of the CubeSat kit as built
CubeSat Kit
Low-cost, spaceflight ready, educational kit.
Components tested to unmanned standards
Components rated for manned missions
Easy to interface, hardware and software
Kit to be under $5000 USD as a final cost
As-built satellite
Power Distribution Lab
Lab Modules
Project-based learning activities and labs to go alongside the Space Mission Design (SMD) open-source textbook.
Constructing the kit
Software Repository and Tutorials
Github - all structural and electrical hardware design files and software code
Technical Details and Tutorials - documentation and step-by-step tutorials on the open-source software
Covers all aspects of spacecraft design in an online course in the public domain.
Open source textbook - digital textbook hosted by Pressbooks. Images, videos, interactive content. You’re able to annotate the textbook with
Guided course materials - spreadsheet for progression of course activities and assignments, topics I’ll cover, templates for budgets I want students to fill out, assignments, rubrics for those assignments, and a repository for lectures.
Story arc diagram of curriculum